Self-Compassion for Well-Being Workshop - RECORDING

Self-Compassion for Well-Being Workshop - RECORDING


This 90-minute transformative workshop was held LIVE on Sunday, April 30th to explore how our self-talk & mindset impact our sense of well-being and actually influences our physiology. This workshop RECORDING is now available at a very affordable price point to support you in your wellness journey.

In this transformative workshop, we explore:

  • What is self-compassion and how does it impact your well-being?

  • The Core components of Self-Compassion as defined by Dr. Kristin Neff, one of the world’s current leading research experts & educators on Self-Compassion

  • The Benefits of Self-Compassion & possible impacts on your health & well-being

  • Assessing how compassionate you are to yourself during challenging times

  • Self-Compassion in Relation with Others and how Self-Compassion can transform our relationships

  • And we will explore several exercises to help us put self-compassion into ACTION!

Once you purchase this workshop, you will be emailed with a link to the recording that is ONLY FOR YOU. I ask you to please NOT share this link with anyone else as this devalues my work and impacts the equitable access to this work. You will also receive the slides from this presentation.


let’s be real: if being hard on ourselves and shaming ourselves actually ‘worked’, we’d all be healed & self-actualized.


and yet we are not.

we are a world full of unhealed humans.

but there is another way - along the road of self-compassion which leads us to the land of healing.

So I am beyond excited to offer this educational & reflective 90-minute workshop on Sunday, April 30th at 11am MDT to explore how our self-talk & mindset impact our sense of well-being and actually influences our physiology.

In this transformative workshop, we will explore:

  • What is self-compassion and how does it impact your well-being?

  • The Core components of Self-Compassion as defined by Dr. Kristin Neff, one of the world’s current leading research experts & educators on Self-Compassion

  • The Benefits of Self-Compassion & possible impacts on your health & well-being

  • Assessing how compassionate you are to yourself during challenging times

  • Self-Compassion in Relation with Others and how Self-Compassion can transform our relationships

  • And we will explore several exercises to help us put self-compassion into ACTION!

if you are someone who has spent a lifetime being hard on yourself and you are sick of feeling bad and want to learn another way to approach how you work with yourself, especially during times of challenge, change or crisis - then this is the workshop for you!

this workshop is also for someone who:

  • feels worn out from the insanely high expectations they place on themselves

  • experiences or has experienced mental health issues like depression and/or anxiety

  • has a chronic illness

  • notices a predominantly negative tone/inner voice in their own mind

  • has learned a pattern of self-criticism that makes you feel bad

  • is part of ANY minority group and feels exhausted by the weight of what is going on in the world right now

  • wants to learn another way to run their operating system (i.e. brain)

I have spent most of my life believing that my worth was tied to my productivity & performance in life (school grades, sports wins, etc…), when in reality, that is simply just not true at all. Learning about self-compassion and its impact on my well-being & relationships has totally changed the way I care for myself. It has provided me with tools to change the way I relate to myself, internally. Meaning - I no longer talk to myself like this: “What the hell is wrong with you?” Instead, I now say things like, “Wow, you are dealing with a lot right now. Maybe there is something you can do for yourself to be extra kind right now.” It has totally changed the way I experience EVERYTHING.

Dr. Neff states that “Having compassion for yourself means that you honor and accept your humanness. Things will not always go the way you want them to. You will encounter frustrations, losses will occur, you will make mistakes, bump up against your limitations, fall short of your ideals. This is the human condition, a reality shared by all of us. The more you open your heart to this reality instead of constantly fighting against it, the more you will be able to feel compassion for yourself and all your fellow humans in the experience of life.”

This is truly a workshop that could benefit ANYONE and EVERYONE who is willing and open to learn new ways of engaging with themselves so that life can be a little bit easier, a little less harsh and a little more palatable. Because being a human being a really freaking hard - but there is no need for us to make it any harder by being hard on ourselves. And you deserve the love and kindness you so freely give to everyone you love!