What is Elevated Living Anyway?

As many of you may already know, I live above 10,000 ft of elevation in the Rocky mountains of Colorado. And while that was certainly part of my inspiration for the name of my coaching business, Elevated Living is about so much more than that! Elevated Living was born from my own evolution as a human being - from living a life that others wanted for me to living a life authentic to who I actually am and what I was put on this Earth to do.

Elevated Living is about shedding the layers of false identities and ego in order to fully embrace & celebrate your true self.

Elevated Living is about prioritizing your own health & well-being.

It’s about investing in your own personal growth & evolution.

It’s about getting clear on what matters to you and focusing your time, attention and energy on those things.

It’s about questioning our cultural & familial programming and allowing ourselves to evolve past our conditioning.

It’s about starting your day with intention so that you own your day instead of your day owning you.

It’s about moving more slowly and living with intention.

It’s about being present to the magic of the seemingly mundane everyday moments of life.

It’s about filling your own cup before you attempt to pour into anyone around you.

It’s about releasing relationships, habits and beliefs that do not serve you.

It’s about savoring a hot cup of coffee, a beautiful sunrise or a deep belly laugh with loved ones.

It’s about moving your body with care and kindness.

It’s about exploring new hobbies and activities with curiosity & a light heart.

It’s about connecting to the Divine or Spirit in all living things: humans, animals & plants.

It’s about allowing your highest self to lead you forward into the next iteration of YOU.

It’s about knowing & living your values.

It’s about sharing your gifts with the world.

It’s about living your purpose here on Earth.

It’s about setting boundaries and saying no to shit that doesn’t light you up because our time here on Earth is precious and you gotta protect your time like the magical ring (aka ‘my precious’) in Lord of the Rings.

It’s about Elevating YOUR life so that you can live a life that is not only authentically YOU but also supports your well-being in the long run.

This is Elevated Living.

And you are invited.

What is one small step you could take today to ‘elevate your life’?

What does that even mean to you? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email with your thoughts on the meaning of Elevated Living for you!

Wishing you a March full of new growth, new perspectives and lots of blue bird days!

From my heart to yours,


Sondra Funk