Change of Plans

Some thoughts from the ‘Bubba Chair’ (aka the super cushy recliner that always makes everyone take a nap in it)…

In less than one month, I turn 40. Which feels kind of monumental. Especially after living through the last 2.5 crazy ass years.

I intended to go skiing for my birthday in Snowmass - the very same mountain I learned to ski on at 3 years old as a Snowmass Snowbunny. But alas, a change of plans has occurred.

You see, I had surgery on my foot last week to remove a Ganglion Cyst that was rubbing on ALL my footwear and causing pain. So much so that I hardly hiked or trail ran all summer long, preferring to be barefoot at home and on my yoga mat. But as time passed, this thing was bothering me more and more and so finally I went to one of my colleagues (Dr. John Paul Elton with VSON) and said, “Okay Doc, cut me.” Note: I work in Ortho Trauma so this surgery is like very very minor in my world.

Unfortunately, he had to do some clean up of my calcaneus (aka the heel bone) because there was a nice sharp little ridge on it that was likely the culprit for the Cyst developing in such an unusual location in the first place. All that to say, there is a VERY good possibility that I will NOT be quite ready for skiing with my Achilles in max stretch by my 40th Birthday. This is for sure disappointing but also, it’s just one day. Ya know? Yes, I only turn 40 once but what if we can push our trip back a few weeks and then I will be in a much better position to handle the physicality that is skiing. What if the snow is better? What if I am no longer pain? What if it’s the best skiing of my life - it’s just not ON my birthday? Isn’t it funny how attached we become to such minor little things.

This lesson of flexibility seems to be continually coming up for me lately. Reality being obstinate and NOT aligning with the plan that I had for everything. (chuckles to self)

Oh, you too?

Yeah, it’s humbling isn’t it?…when things don’t go according to our plan.

But the way I see it, when things don’t go according to plan, we have 2 choices:

  1. Piss and moan


  2. Pivot

So for now, I upgraded to a walking boot and got to ditch my crutches! And I am SO incredibly grateful for more mobility, independence and freedom! Y’all, I heated up some pizza in the microwave for lunch ALL BY MYSELF! This was BIG. I will continue to heal and see how things shake out but in the meantime I cancelled our slope-side hotel for my birthday and asked for a credit to use later on - when I am all healed up and ready to shred.

As my dear friends reminded me today on our weekly accountability call: we get to choose when and how we mark and celebrate things and it doesn’t always have to be ON the day, IN the year - and perhaps if we can learn to be just a little more flexible, there will be so much more peace and possibility available to us.

Wishing you all more ease & grace in human-ing this November and always.

Rooting for you,


Sondra Funk